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Here you will find my books, online courses, and DVDs for in-depth training, and information about my upcoming live workshops. Enjoy.


A Liberated Mind: How To Pivot Toward What Matters

by Steven C. Hayes

The proven plan to overcome negative thoughts and feelings, turn pain into purpose, and build a meaningful life.

Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life: The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

by Steven C. Hayes with Spencer Smith

A general purpose ACT workbook. RCTs show that it works as an aid to ACT or on its own, but it will also keep new ACT therapists well oriented.

Learning Process-Based Therapy: A Skills Training Manual for Targeting the Core Processes of Psychological Change in Clinical Practice

by Stefan G. Hofmann, Steven C. Hayes and David N. Lorscheid

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Second Edition: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change

by Steven C. Hayes, Kirk D. Strosahl, and Kelly G. Wilson

This book provides the definitive statement of ACT—from conceptual and empirical foundations to clinical techniques.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Behavior Analysts: A Practice Guide from Theory to Treatment

by Mark R. Dixon, Steven C. Hayes, Jordan Belisle

Beyond the DSM – Toward a Process-Based Alternative for Diagnosis and Mental Health Treatment

by Steven C. Hayes and Stefan G. Hofmann

Prosocial: Using Evolutionary Science to Build Productive, Equitable, and Collaborative Groups

by Paul W.B. Atkins, David Sloan Wilson and Steven C. Hayes

Mastering the Clinical Conversation: Language as Intervention

by Matthieu Villatte, Jennifer L. Villatte, and Steven C. Hayes

Features innovative ways to enhance assessment and intervention using specific kinds of clinical conversations.

Evolution and Contextual Behavioral Science: An Integrated Framework for Understanding, Predicting, and Influencing Human Behavior

by David Sloan Wilson and Steven C. Hayes

Process-Based CBT: The Science and Core Clinical Competencies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

by Steven C. Hayes, and Stefan G. Hofmann PhD

Online Courses for Professionals

The following two courses were designed by me as a two-course sequence for professionals. "ACT in Practice" was originally called "ACT Immersion II" and unless you are truly an ACT expert I suggest they be taken in that order. 

Learn Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT Immersion is a deep dive into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a process-based therapy. Over 10 modules, you’ll learn how to read the six psychological flexibility processes and target them with a wide range of exercises. Through several real-play therapy sessions, clinical tapes, and exercises, Dr. Hayes demonstrates first-hand how to skillfully apply ACT with clients.

After completing this course you will have a clear understanding of the underlying processes of change and the ability to see and identify them. This will allow you to flexibly and creatively apply ACT in your own practice, and use your existing therapy arsenal even more effectively to create lasting impact for your clients.

This is an online, self-paced course, and enrollment comes with lifetime access to all materials.

Bridge the gap between theory and practical application

With an emphasis on seeing ACT “in action” through extensive real-play and role-play exercises, this course provides you with cutting-edge diagnostic and case conceptualization tools to help you channel your existing ACT knowledge and experience into more powerful interventions, and to continuously update your approach through all phases of the therapeutic relationship.

After going through this course, you’ll be able to apply ACT and its psychological flexibility model with greater confidence and creativity — even in complex cases — and be more effective at creating lasting and self-sustaining change in the lives of those you serve.

This is an online, self-paced course, and enrollment comes with lifetime access to all materials.


ACT Foundations for Behavior Analysts

ACT Foundations for Behavior Analysts is an online course taught by Dr. Steven C. Hayes, Dr. Mark R. Dixon, and Dr. Ruth Anne Rehfeldt — premier experts in the science, application, and future of ACT in behavior analysis.

In this course, they provide the firm foundation you need to build your competence in ACT — so you can improve outcomes with powerful new evidenced-based tools while staying firmly within your scope of practice.

With everything you’ll learn, you’ll be ready to start implementing ACT in your practice right away — and more effectively help those you serve reach their behavioral goals and live with greater vitality and meaning.


ACT in Action DVD Set

If you want to see a younger me and a variety of well-known ACT professionals demonstrate classic ACT methods, the following DVDs are still very useful – especially in classes, agencies, or supervision.

(The six ACT in Action DVDs are also included in a course marketed by PESI, that includes a filmed workshop by D. J. Moran. The marketing (over which I have no control) can be confusing, but it is not a course by me and I have not seen its contents.)

Online Courses for Non-professionals

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – Audio Course

For over 30 years, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been used effectively to treat mental and behavioral health problems such as anxiety and depression. It has also been demonstrated to support workplace success, sports performance, weight loss, social change, and more.

Due to a technical glitch my voice is lower range than it actually is, but most people seem to get used to it.

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Upcoming Workshops

ACTBootCamp® | Denver, CO in May 1-5, 2025

Led by ACT master trainers, Steven C. Hayes, Robyn D. Walser, Miranda Morris, and Diana Hill, this 4-day skills-based intensive training will fully prepare you to effectively apply ACT with your clients right away. Experience for yourself ACT’s transformative power as you learn and grow along with a community of like-minded peers.

ACTBootCamp® for Behavior Analysts | Oakland, CA in April 24-27, 2025

It's back! Join this 4-day workshop for Behavior Analysts with leading ACT experts in Behavior Analysis, including ACT originator, Steven C. Hayes, D. J. Moran, Siri Ming, and Brianna Kauer.